
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Yin and Yang...

Rama was hurrying through her early morning household responsibilities and chores to run against time to be able to catch up with her office timings. A typical day in her life like most of us revolved around juggling between her home and work. Like many other days today was one of those days when you have been struck by a typical household storm the previous day.  Typically Rama would do up her chores and cherish her cup of tea in the garden all by herself and her beloved plantation. This was her moment of solace in the chaos. But, today was different. All the emotional chaos and traumatization that she had been bearing since a week was not able to avoid the household storm that she had to go through yesterday after work. All she could think of was last evening and it's impact on her peace of mind.  Rama kept pondering over the fact that inspite of all her peace keeping efforts some situations forcibly involve you into a unreasonable banter of dissatisfaction and distress. How much