
Showing posts from November, 2021

Seasons in life...

 That day was not like all those days when Meera would sit in her lawn after winding up her online sales and sip her coffee while feeling at ease. The fear of losing her beloved in a freak incident as she had witnessed today had overwhelmingly occupied her mind. Meera was never a brave soul in cases of physical injuries, but today she had witnessed a road accident in front of her eyes and seen the helplessness of the victim and the repercussions that followed the whole family. The whole incident had made quite an impact on her mind and made her think about how God's plan for us may not be same as our thoughts or plans. Today Meera was not the careless soul she had always been, today she was living in retrospect of what could go wrong in life. The incident had seemed to have changed something inside her. Every situation we come across in our lives has a unique impact on shaping us to be our current self. Current self here implies to the average behavior and etiquette we display in t