
Seasons in life...

 That day was not like all those days when Meera would sit in her lawn after winding up her online sales and sip her coffee while feeling at ease. The fear of losing her beloved in a freak incident as she had witnessed today had overwhelmingly occupied her mind. Meera was never a brave soul in cases of physical injuries, but today she had witnessed a road accident in front of her eyes and seen the helplessness of the victim and the repercussions that followed the whole family. The whole incident had made quite an impact on her mind and made her think about how God's plan for us may not be same as our thoughts or plans. Today Meera was not the careless soul she had always been, today she was living in retrospect of what could go wrong in life. The incident had seemed to have changed something inside her. Every situation we come across in our lives has a unique impact on shaping us to be our current self. Current self here implies to the average behavior and etiquette we display in t

The Yin and Yang...

Rama was hurrying through her early morning household responsibilities and chores to run against time to be able to catch up with her office timings. A typical day in her life like most of us revolved around juggling between her home and work. Like many other days today was one of those days when you have been struck by a typical household storm the previous day.  Typically Rama would do up her chores and cherish her cup of tea in the garden all by herself and her beloved plantation. This was her moment of solace in the chaos. But, today was different. All the emotional chaos and traumatization that she had been bearing since a week was not able to avoid the household storm that she had to go through yesterday after work. All she could think of was last evening and it's impact on her peace of mind.  Rama kept pondering over the fact that inspite of all her peace keeping efforts some situations forcibly involve you into a unreasonable banter of dissatisfaction and distress. How much

It's a new day... Live it your way!!!

  Everything that begins does have an end. The only static in life is UNCERTAINTY. This is both the best and the worst thing about life. Every day life gives us a chance to get up stronger and merrier and work to make this day count. Just one day at a time is all we need to make our living worthwhile is to make each day better than yesterday.  In tough times, before you go to sleep just pause for a moment to tell your self "This makes a day less from the dull phase of my life." Take a moment to thank the greatest universal energy for getting you past the sadness of that day. Wake up merrier and brighter. Identify the unbound peace and happiness that you are built up of. Never give anyone the power to disrupt your inner peace and well-being. Take responsibility for your happiness and take measures to protect your purity against the sinners and the sinned. Let the world see you as a glittering gem of happiness and mercy. Let us all be humane and make the world a better place to

Outside chaos never gives inner peace.

  FOOD FOR THOUGHT : The outside chaos never gave anyone peace inside. The fast paced and demandingly ambitious lifestyle that we live in and look up to has made it pertinent for each one of us to get involved in a rat race of our own. Running 24 x 7 mentally and worrying about every little thing is now the new normal. Each one of us wants to devote time to every social image creation, financial gains and liabilities, community affairs, family matters and many other things which may or may not be of any importance.  Amidst this all we overlook the most important responsibility i.e. our responsibility towards ourselves. We tend to overlook our own need for healing and nurturing our inner self. Everyone wants to be the best parent, the best child, the best employee, the best friend, the best cook, the best artist, the best of every field but what gets overlooked here is to be even an average healer to your own self. Ignoring the "me-time" and occupying it for other chores is th

Finding a purpose...

The recent outbreak of the COVID pandemic and the associated lock-down across the different parts of world have not only created a social and economic impact on the society, but have also deeply impacted the minds of one and all. The fast paced and outward lifestyles came to a sudden unprecedented halt. The sudden twist of events changed the scenario from a situation where time had been running out of our hands for a while now suddenly turned around into the current situation where the days have been passing home bound. The situation did create a panic mind-set to begin with because the human mind has the innate ability to resist sudden change. But as time kept passing this period of lock-down gave many a chance to explore and re-surface their hobbies and subdued interests which had remained buried somewhere under layers of  work stress, family pressure and social bindings since long. Finding time is a great feeling but finding time to rediscover yourself and finding a purpose in these


The untapped unadulterated human mind has always been an innate rebel of bondages imposed over it. The human mind has this inborn intolerance towards being denied of freedom, being denied of opportunity, being denied of equality, etc.  Since the very beginning of our lives we start struggling to break the barriers imposed on us. A small child trips over his crib trying to break his limited reach. Does the exactly opposite of what is denied. Reaches out to grab and confiscate the forbidden things. All this, just to satiate the innate need for exploration and to break barriers that limit his reach. Human mind is a slave to none other than curiosity. Curiosity has the power to drive us to great heights or plunge us into the darkest of trenches. Tapping this immense power of the mind and channelizing it towards our growth is what can lead us to achieve great heights in our lives. The key ingredient for this is a balanced approach of the calm mind. Only the ones who are able to focus

Nurturing ones inner-self

Curiosity and contentment are the two most fundamental aspects of ones mind and conscience. The human mind can't be devoid of either of the two. Curiosity followed by contentment and the repetitive cycle of these two is what keeps the human mind running and the human aspirations fueled. A balanced approach between these two is of utmost importance to keep your true nature alive. In order to be balanced with nature, we first need to resolve the conflict between our curious self and the content self. Curiosity is what adds glitter and excitement to life. It may be curiosity towards ourselves, towards our surroundings, towards success in life or towards what lies on the other side of the fence that our life has offered to us. This curiosity is what fuels our desire for success. The element of curiosity in our mind fuels our aspirations and desires. On the other hand contentment is what keeps us grounded and gives peace to our soul. Irrespective of the curiosity factor, the con