It's a new day... Live it your way!!!


Everything that begins does have an end. The only static in life is UNCERTAINTY. This is both the best and the worst thing about life.

Every day life gives us a chance to get up stronger and merrier and work to make this day count. Just one day at a time is all we need to make our living worthwhile is to make each day better than yesterday.  In tough times, before you go to sleep just pause for a moment to tell your self "This makes a day less from the dull phase of my life." Take a moment to thank the greatest universal energy for getting you past the sadness of that day.

Wake up merrier and brighter. Identify the unbound peace and happiness that you are built up of. Never give anyone the power to disrupt your inner peace and well-being. Take responsibility for your happiness and take measures to protect your purity against the sinners and the sinned.

Let the world see you as a glittering gem of happiness and mercy. Let us all be humane and make the world a better place to live.


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