Nurturing ones inner-self

Curiosity and contentment are the two most fundamental aspects of ones mind and conscience. The human mind can't be devoid of either of the two. Curiosity followed by contentment and the repetitive cycle of these two is what keeps the human mind running and the human aspirations fueled. A balanced approach between these two is of utmost importance to keep your true nature alive. In order to be balanced with nature, we first need to resolve the conflict between our curious self and the content self.
Curiosity is what adds glitter and excitement to life. It may be curiosity towards ourselves, towards our surroundings, towards success in life or towards what lies on the other side of the fence that our life has offered to us. This curiosity is what fuels our desire for success. The element of curiosity in our mind fuels our aspirations and desires.
On the other hand contentment is what keeps us grounded and gives peace to our soul. Irrespective of the curiosity factor, the contentment element of our soul is what gives us the stability to be grounded in all situations. Sometimes successful ventures may elate us beyond compare while unsuccessful outcomes may put us into a state of morose depression; both of which are vividly observed and experienced in today's world.
What we must look forward to achieving is that we must be able to strike a balance between these two aspects of our being. Only by arriving at a balanced state we shall be able to lead a fruitful life.
So it is of utmost importance that we must nurture and preserve both these aspects of our being in order to be able to lead a balanced and successful life. We need to let each of these instincts take charge of our lives from time to time instead of getting overboard with either. Without curiosity success cannot be attained and without contentment success cannot be sustained. 


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