Moulding life...

It goes without saying,  "Karma is a bitch." Ashlekha sighed.

Hoping for a miracle to save her from this situation which had risen out of no concern of her. But was somehow blamed on her doings by the higher ups in the company.

Talking to herself Ashlekha said,"I know it is the doing of one of those two self appreciating guys who would have taken all pains to sow the seeds of contempt against me."

Ashlekha was a genuine and straight forward person, but what put her into many awkward situations was her blunt behavior. She always had a combination of hard work and smart work to put her through situations. She was a dedicated worker with high morals.

At this moment what was eating her up within was the fact that she was unable to control a situation which had nothing to do with her initially but now had somehow been totally blamed on her. Being a diligent worker she could not take it to be called the irresponsible one.

A knock on the door distracted Ashlekha from her thoughts.

Anubhav walked in and sat down in front of her. He had been Ashlekha's friend for the past two years now and knew what was eating her up within.

"They know you're the best they have. Anyways it was not your forte." Anubhav said.

Ashlekha looked up and sighed, "You know I was not assigned this job and now when all of it has been messed up somehow everything has been transferred to me. Do I ever be careless towards the work I have been given?"

Anubhav said, "Why are you being apprehensive? It's not such a big deal. Life often puts us in a place where we become victimized by the situation."

"But why should I bear the burden of someone elses deeds?" Ashlekha questioned.

Often in life we get caught up in situations that arise out of nowhere and seem to consume all our hard work. Such situations not only make you feel sad and stressed but also drain you mentally.

But if we look at the larger perspective, these situations give you a chance to grow and mature so as to be able to handle stressful situations without getting shaken by them. Life might always not be kind to us in every situation we face. To move on and move ahead in the right direction towards building a better version of ourselves we often need to pass through these rough patches that groom us and helps to build strength of the mind.

So whenever you feel that things are running out of your hands in the right opposite direction as compares to your plans. Sit back, assess the situation and then fight back these obstacles with the belief that in the end this rough present will lead you to a smooth future.

*The content is purely fictional and not meant to hurt any sentiments.


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